Jun 05, 2024

2024 U.S. Corn 91% Planted, Rated 75% GD/EX, Soy 78% Planted

Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

Corn - The 2024 U.S. corn was 91% planted as of Sunday compared to 95% last year and 89% average. This represents an advance of 8% for the week. The corn is 74% emerged compared to 81% last year and 73% average. The states where the corn planting percentage remains furthest behind include Kentucky 79% planted (91% average), Tennessee 93% planted (6% average), Iowa 93% planted (95% average), and Wisconsin 84% planted (86% average).

This is the first weekly rating for the 2024 U.S. corn crop which is rated 75% good/excellent. The rating is better than last year and the average. The top five rated corn states are: Pennsylvania, Nebraska, Illinois, North Carolina, and Ohio. The five lowest rated corn states are: Texas, Colorado, Missouri, Kansas, and Kentucky.

Soybeans - The 2024 U.S. soybeans were 78% planted as of Sunday compared to 89% last year and 73% average. This represents an advance of 10% for the week. The soybeans are 55% emerged compared to 69% last year and 52% average. The states where the soybean planted percentage is furthest ahead are Arkansas at 92% planted (76% average), Ohio at 79% planted (66% average), and Missouri at 68% planted (55% average). The states where the soybean planting percentage is furthest behind are Minnesota at 80% planted (81% average) and Kentucky at 63% planted (64% average).

Next week will be the first soybean rating and it will probably be very similar to the corn rating at 75% rated good/excellent.

Soil Moisture - The first rating for the nation's soil moisture is better than last year and average. At the end of winter, the soil moisture was quite dry, but generous rains during May has eliminated any dryness concerns for the time being. The five states with the highest soil moisture are: Louisiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, Ohio, and Tennessee. The five states with the lowest soil moisture are: Kansas, Nebraska, North Carolina, Mississippi, and North Dakota.